Shoe Gang Member #1

 ( be sure to scroll down for all clues )

Favorite Shoes:

Her 5 inch Ruby platform pumps. When she finds herself in a compromising position, just 3 clicks of her heels and she's safely back home.

Pairs of Shoes Owned:


Favorite Costume:

Dorothy, one of the rare times she won't have a little dog at her side.

The phrase that will make her heart flutter and her knees weak:

"I'll get you my pretty"

Things she finds irresistible in a man:

She loves a wizard who can show her the way with a wave of his magic wand.

Turn on:

a foot massage

Turn off:

 maxed out credit cards

Dream Date:

Al Bundy, shoe salesman

Personal quote:

"shoes are the only piece of clothing I need"


 Which Shoe Gang member am I?

Lil Lady Jane
Kalmia Laurel

Put your answers in our guestbook. Correct answers will be revealed at a later date!


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